Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sharmila: I'm doing my job

/photo.cms?msid=811240 Does it help if your mother is the Censor Board Chief? That’s the question Sharmila Tagore is being asked, as allegations fly thick and fast about her being partial to her children's films. Niha Siddiqui caught up with her to find out her side of the story.

Sharmila Tagore, Saif Ali Khan and Soha represent two generations in the acting profession. But what happens when Mom becomes the censor board chief? Do the children in the family get away with lenient censor cuts in their films?

That is not an allegation that Sharmila Tagore is happy about.

“They say it because they are peeved or they want to say something nasty about me. But these things don't worry me at all. I have a job to do and I do it to the best of my ability,” she says.


For the veteran actress, who has stirred up quite a storm in her times with her daring roles, the criticism is all in a day’s work - be it Saif's films or her youngest daughter Soha's, Sharmila says there is no partiality involved. At work, she says she's just the Censor Board Chief.

“It's a very responsible job and I have never done anything half-heartedly. People who say these things, also know that they’renot true - because if it is really true then it would gather momentum and there would be a movement against me by now,” says Tagore.

Sharmila's clearly shrugged off allegations of favouritism. But her job undoubtedly is one needing a lot of clever juggling and seems to know just how to handle it - with grace and a lot of panache!

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