Saturday, July 21, 2007

Naqaab - Movie Review

Apun Ka Choice: Naqaab doesn't turn out to be a riveting thriller, but it is engaging enough to be seen once.

Twists and turns don't quite come up to expectations in this love-triangle thriller.

A thriller that doesn't thrill!

DNA India:
More layers than a wedding cake!

Naqaab does not live up to the director duo Abbas-Mustan's forte of making thrillers.

Hindustan Times:
Naqaab is best left unveiled!

IndiaFM: Naqaab is engrossing in parts, with the suspense really catching you by surprise.

Movie Talkies:
Naqaab has the makings of a classier thriller. It just fails to take off from its premise of a reality film, which is quite interesting. In the final analysis, the film lacks the all-important punch.

Now Running:
Naqaab- a disappointing thriller to say the least!

Naqaab is a watchable thriller (because its a 2 hour movie only!)

Times Of India:
The problem with the film lies in its transparency. It's a love triangle, where you know at the very onset who's cheating on whom and who is going to end up the victim.

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